Flat No.2 Near Bio Diversity Park Kasur Punjab , Pakistan


Monday - Friday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM (GMT+05:00)

Mr. Mudassar shahzad (Sales Manager)

Phone: 0310-7558811, 0310-5338233
whatsapp: 0333-6088811
Skype: myeishvar
Email: info@Lifetimesms.com
Telephone support is available 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
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The website is dedicated for business sms only. Illegal sms, fake sms, anonymous sms and any kind of harassment through our website is strictly prohibited. We monitor and keep records of each sms 24/7. If our team fond any member indulged in any illegal activity so our team have rights to terminate his/her account immediately and permanently. For further please check our Terms and Condition and Agreement of Privacy policy Also check our Reversal/refund policy